

veam博客是通过别人的主题来搭建的,用的是hexo技术+github,项目名称本来打算用vamin23,这个名字的意义在于我的生日是23号,斯洛文尼亚vamin的翻译是瓦敏,百度翻译叫做凡命,我不是一个优秀的创作者,但是我一直坚信自己会成为一个优秀的艺术家,所以我一直在等待,我从小到现在就一张奖状,可能大多数人是天才,而我一样也是个天才,不过我不是学习的天才,所以我把网站改成veam(维亚姆) = 机械总公司 博客在2021年3月23号,在学校是我的挚友教我如何搭建的这个博客,当然我很感谢他,他一直是那么的优秀,不过我坚信我会超过他,veam博客是分享技术的一个站点,我写这个关于是提醒更多的人,不要看不到阳光就抬不起头,一直相信自己吧!努力+自信也一样可以打败天赋的!

Hello everyone, I’m vamin23, and my age is no more than 20-30. I like web page making. Since 19, I have studied my college major seriously. Although it’s not very ideal, I think I have a direction for myself. From simple web page making to fast web page making, I spent three years, from HTML, CSS, JavaScript to HTML using frameworks, such as bootstrap, Vue. From the middle, I also learned about Adobe’s PS, PR, and DW, which was very popular at that time, when editing web pages, I used to use Notepad to type word by word. Later, I was reminded by others that I began to contact hbuilder, vs code, webstron. All the time, the things I designed have been very simple, and there are also many uncertain factors, such as ah, want to give up, or there is no future, learn shit, or I must learn

After three years of practice, no, it’s six years. My high school major is the same. I understand that talent and effort are necessary. Don’t you have a little return if you insist?

But I haven’t worked yet. This is really what I’m worried about. I’ve always advised myself: don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up. I didn’t choose to give up. I turned around and thought about why I didn’t work, because I didn’t learn much, and I had to contact more. I learned JavaScript once, but I didn’t understand it, so I continued to learn. I bought a rhinoceros book, and I spent my time studying this problem, I spent another week studying Vue, among which there were disappointment, grief, swearing, and finally silence. I didn’t think I had no talent because of my poor English ability? I don’t know it. I’m lazy

So what qualifications do you have to say that you don’t study? Do you want to be rich when others are rich? Or wait for a kind person to pity you? It’s not to irritate you, but to make your life have a new definition. Don’t think of a thing as simple and difficult. Try it, failure is also success!

Veam blog I originally wanted to share technology, but I think I share it when I’m in a bad mood. It’s the same here. I have to work hard when I’m young. If I don’t work hard, I’ll fart in middle age!

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